In 2022, Pakistan experienced one of the most severe monsoon seasons since 1961, leading to devastating floods. Vital infrastructure was damaged or destroyed – including schools, health facilities and water systems. More than 33 million people were affected by the floods, resulting in the loss of over 1,700 lives.
Before the floods, children living in many of the hardest-hit districts were already suffering from high malnutrition rates, poor access to water and sanitation, low school enrollment, and other deprivations.
Pakistan has a severe acute malnutrition rate twice that of South Asia region and four times higher than the global average.
An estimated 35.7 million people, including 24.4 million children, are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance in Pakistan.
In 2022, Pakistan experienced one of the most severe monsoon seasons since 1961, leading to devastating floods. Vital infrastructure was damaged or destroyed – including schools, health facilities and water systems. More than 33 million people were affected by the floods, resulting in the loss of over 1,700 lives.
Before the floods, children living in many of the hardest-hit districts were already suffering from high malnutrition rates, poor access to water and sanitation, low school enrollment, and other deprivations.
Pakistan has a severe acute malnutrition rate twice that of South Asia region and four times higher than the global average.
An estimated 35.7 million people, including 24.4 million children, are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance in Pakistan.
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