Kolkata, India — Sitting before a pile of dilapidated shacks and ashes in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, 80-year-old Rohingya refugee Amena Khatun began weeping as she talked about her 60-year-old son, Abul Hair.“He was well
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Kolkata, India — Sitting before a pile of dilapidated shacks and ashes in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, 80-year-old Rohingya refugee Amena Khatun began weeping as she talked about her 60-year-old son, Abul Hair.“He was well
هكذا تبدو حياة 130 ألف نازح من الروهينغا العالقين في مخيمات في ولاية راخين في وسط ميانمار: يعيشون بلا مستقبل، ووصولهم إلى الأراضي وسبل العيش يكاد يكون منعدما. يعتمدون على المساعدات الخارجية ويموتون